Tuesday, July 19, 2011

When Pictures Speak

Finally my hiatus is over and Euphoria has pulled me back into its pool full of bliss and verve. The satisfaction I get after spending a few sole-me-and-euphoria moments is simply incomparable. Well, it should have been an utterly euphoric post because I somewhere heard that when we bounce back to life/activity/love/person, we tend to bounce with an increased amplitude but I'll keep this one a little plain and bare.

Colourful pictures attract me like a moth to oil. Thus, I let a few pictures talk for me this time.

A look back: 

Paint your life your way
I have had some of the moments when my heart was actually doing somersaults. Some real ups and downs. Sometimes, a sudden gush of nostalgia or blue struck me. And trust me, it's not much fun. But from the so many shades of colours, let's remember just the bright ones. Believe me, life is really awesome. :)


Choose what you want
Absolutely. But it depends on you, whether you want to count those thousand things and be overwhelmed with gratitude and joy, or sit back and pick up the few imperfections and problems, and magnify them and go on and rant about them. The choice is yours - be thankful and happy, or cynical and gloomy. It is completely up to you to open which ever envelope you want to. :)

Simplicity is Beautiful
Yes. Whether it is in how your dress or look, or more importantly in how you live. Complicating everything is neither fun, nor does it solve problems. Let go of your barriers and express what you actually want to. Be bare. Be truthful. Keep things simple, be beautiful and live beautifully.

Tuesdays With Morrie
I read an utterly beautiful book in a past few days. I have specially chosen the adjective, beautiful, to describe it because of the way Mitch Albom has compiled it. I ended up noting down a great number of precious words by Morrie, his professor who is on death bed. They have very beautifully discussed every topic under the sun. From jealousy and attachment to love and family.

Follow your heart
It is definitely your life and you will responsible for it. 40 years down the line, when you'll be looking back at your life. No parents' taunts, no friends' remark is going to the death bed with you. Make your life worthwhile so that when you look back, it is always a beautiful landscape ready for you. Drop your fears. Identify your passion. Introspect. Follow your dreams. Explore. Most importantly, Fall and RISE.


Finding Home

I moved to Canada about 2 years ago. The world around and within me changed. Now, this realization wasn’t instantaneous. Definitely not th...