Thursday, August 26, 2010

Noughts and Crosses!

Well, this blog will be quite a flip-side as compared to my last one. Many things to pen down for the day. With a frenzy friday giving a kick start to the weekend and no college tomorrow, it is time to call it a week. :)

Our life is simply like a noughts and crosses board. The moment we strike for our three noughts or crosses in the row, we hit a bullseye! Score! :) But the main problem is to reach that milestone. We keep fiddling our way through that and hence get entangled in our self created web. What I basically do in my life is, very carefully put a nought/cross at the place when my turn comes (with an apprehension). And then step by step try to hit the bullseye. But, as usual, it isn't that easy as it looks. Anyways, much of an overview. Let me get onto some feelings level. Regarding friends and friendship. Some things I observed :

  • No matter how much close friends are, at some point of time, they may prick you.

  • Whatever you may do, they still will remain as 'a different indiviual'.

  • Ego and selfish-ness DOES come in between.

In clear words, I've been able to write all this after an oh-so-bumpy week with 4 outta 6 of my friends. Friends whom I would say- "My World". They portrayed one or the other above mentioned points. With someone criticizing everything about me, backstabbing me or being ignorant when I needed a I-speak-you-don't-question session. Though this is nothing new for me but when all this actually happened at once, I felt tremors. Tremors which made me realize my indiviuality. Which lightened up the long lost and forgotten fact that we gotta face this world ALONE. May be I'm too at fault or so but for now, even after trying hard, my noughts and crosses aren't finding the way to settle in.

P.S. : Don't attach yourself to someone so much that when they take a backseat in your life, you feel helpless! Stay happy! Stay Blessed! :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Glimpse!

Well well well, the past week has really been an exciting one. And now sitting in front of my laptop in my room with alphabets pouring on the screen as per my wish is no less than heaven! :) The last weekend gave a kickstart to this fabulous week. On my journey to Chandigarh sans any companion, my best co-traveller gave me the best time. A book.

With a book been added to my, books-I've read list, I feel happy and richer. :) Finished with a page-turner novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. A great book by many measures is full of themes that touch all humanity- love, friendship, redemption, cruelty. Totally gave me a wow feel. The Kite Runner looks at how the main character, Amir, deals with a secret in his past and how that secret shaped who he became. It tells of Amir's childhood friendship with Hassan, his relationship with his father and growing up in a privileged place in society. I was drawn in by Amir's voice. I sympathized with him, cheered for him and felt angry with him at different points. Similarly, I became attached to Hassan and Soraya too. The characters became real to me, and it was difficult for me to put the book down and leave their world. Amir, being a writer, as the story unfolds, has been the one who caught my immense admiration at some point of time. Specially the first story that he wrote really made me go ":o". His past and present thoughts were wonderfully beaded into words. The story goes as:

There was a poor man and incidently he found some kinda magic lamp. And whenever the tear dropped into that magic lamp, they turned into pearls. Usually the man was a happy-go-lucky person. But when he discovered about this magic secret, he started "using" it. The story ended with the poor turned super rich man, richly dressed with a knife in his hand and crying over his wife's dead body.

To this, when his friend Hassan heard it, he asked Amir about why was the misery depicted by his wife's death, although tears can also be produced by onions! Amir was stunned and so was I. Amir writing had this element because of absence of his father's wife in his life. To this, I realized, writing truly helps to take out inner feelings which might not even have be approached so far.

Continuing, another of the few best and touching lines I came across while my journey of Amir's life was:
"There are a lot of children in Afghanistan, but little childhood."

Reading this, I actually got an insight of what actually happened during Taliban period and the situation in Pakistan. And another quote that truly is linked up with this novel would be none other than :
"For you, a thousand times over."

It has been beautifully used at two different places in the book. While being echoed many a times. Gives a real essence of love and care.

And hence tryst with Amir and Hassan went pretty well. Following the trend, didn't think of anything except the book for a couple of days. That was exactly how my week started. The kick start was inevitably great! :) Same routine followed. Less classes and hence I devoted much of my time to friends. Love the connections to be at peace. :) Creative sector was nutured, preparing gift for a friend and hence loved putting in an effort. Eagerly waiting to discover more "Best days of My life". :)

Finding Home

I moved to Canada about 2 years ago. The world around and within me changed. Now, this realization wasn’t instantaneous. Definitely not th...