Monday, August 15, 2011


With the monsoon making its presence actually felt for the first time this summers, it is a picturesque view outside. This picturesque view is all the more beautified when I'm sitting outside my room. With raindrops caressing my feet and their melody creating a beautiful song in itself, there is no better treat in store for me.
I thought of writing something else. But I guess this rain has a plan to change everything. And so did it change my idea of blogpost this wonderful evening. Here is what I have to share today!
There is a roller coaster that we take a ride of. Every now and then. Emotions. Love, attachment, attraction, bliss, to name a few. The most common mistake that we all do is to associate these emotions to some person. Everytime the person changes, we tend to change our so-called definition of that very emotion, which in itself is no less than a sin. Then these emotions change to sadness, jealousy, hatred, sorry-for-yourself or regret. It is all a part of growing up. 

If you experience the first set of emotions that I mentioned, cherish them. Fall in love, get attached to someone who can value it, get beautifully attracted to someone, experience bliss. Enjoy the beauty of each emotion.  
On the other hand, if you tend to experience the other set of emotions that I mentioned then learn to detach yourself from them. Take a dip in the pool of sadness once but come out of it with a greater amplitude. Jealousy! Yes, if you experience jealousy towards someone, then I have a beautiful quote for you to overcome it. Say this to yourself, "How can I be envious of where you now are, when I've already been there myself?" 
Next in line is hatred. If you wish to hate someone, you just rot yourself by hating (read thinking about) them. You don't let their thoughts and deeds go away from you. Hence they stay the closest to your heart when they should be the farthest. Don't keep this hatred towards them as your pet. Don't feed your thoughts to it and wait for it to grow healthier. No! It will only grow dirtier.
Last in the list is sorry-for-yourself. The most common and most frequent. You are special and you are important. I'd just say one thing, learn to value yourself!
  Don't bother even if you fail in following any of these. FORGIVE YOURSELF. To err is human! And there's always a next time. There is always a learning from something and there is always a purpose of every person in your life. And not to be forgotten, its the darker shade that makes light really bright. Yes, people do change. But just don't hold back on these emotions. What if we don't allow our self to go all the way through them, we can never get to be detached from them. Just because we are too busy being afraid. Dive in through these emotions, experience them and then detach yourself from them. 
And above all, try and not associate these emotions just to one person. At least don't butcher the definition of love/hatred just for the heck of one person. Do yourself this favour! Chin up, smile! Beautiful! :)

Finding Home

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