Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Hello 2015. While people posted their life-changing posts during the New Year's eve, I was home and thanked the power of Universe, the power up there, for some things that didn't change. For good. For better and the best.

1. As I flew from a warm 26 degrees to bone crackling 6 degrees, it wasn't surprising to find my dog not even moving an inch to show how happy he was to see me. Or may be he wasn't. Well, that's not a question. What was fun to see, he snuggled under a series of blankets sleeping just as lazily as I had bid goodbye to him on my last home visit. He would always remain the youngest sibling amongst us. And younger ones don't grow up. Ever.

2. This vacation, first winter morning at home began with the vegetable seller shouting loudly in the wee hours of the day trying to sell 'Sarso da saag'. Instead of getting irritated, my lips curled into a smile. You don't mind sounds breaking your deep slumber if they end up giving you a ride of nostalgia down the childhood memory lane.

3. Diving into the numerous winter foods was an overall highlight of the vacation. Because when in Punjab with winter acting as the cherry on the cake, you just eat, sleep and repeat. Had I adhered to my resolutions for 2014, how would I have savored the mouth watering dishes that Mommy darling invested time in cooking. Some habits indeed die hard.

4. I have a weird fascination with the whistle train makes. Staying in Pune, all you get to hear in those few moments before falling asleep is the airplanes taking off the runway. But how can it replace the fondness for my very own sound of a chugging engine. So, it was sweet no matter how many miles I may have travelled and back, the train's whistle creating a melody brightened my day. I would never grow up. Age is, of course, just a number.

Flying away from the chic way of celebration, I was home for the New Year's. And began it in the most simple and warm way, being surrounded by loved ones, full of gratitude and feeling blessed. With old age weighing my grandparents down, I was grateful to God for granting them enough strength to fight it back. No matter how, they made it this far. A fair enough reason to begin the new year in an excited manner. Hope this year turns more moments into memories, gives more chances of after-success celebrations and more than anything, fills the air brimming with warm human connection.

Finding Home

I moved to Canada about 2 years ago. The world around and within me changed. Now, this realization wasn’t instantaneous. Definitely not th...