Thursday, August 26, 2010

Noughts and Crosses!

Well, this blog will be quite a flip-side as compared to my last one. Many things to pen down for the day. With a frenzy friday giving a kick start to the weekend and no college tomorrow, it is time to call it a week. :)

Our life is simply like a noughts and crosses board. The moment we strike for our three noughts or crosses in the row, we hit a bullseye! Score! :) But the main problem is to reach that milestone. We keep fiddling our way through that and hence get entangled in our self created web. What I basically do in my life is, very carefully put a nought/cross at the place when my turn comes (with an apprehension). And then step by step try to hit the bullseye. But, as usual, it isn't that easy as it looks. Anyways, much of an overview. Let me get onto some feelings level. Regarding friends and friendship. Some things I observed :

  • No matter how much close friends are, at some point of time, they may prick you.

  • Whatever you may do, they still will remain as 'a different indiviual'.

  • Ego and selfish-ness DOES come in between.

In clear words, I've been able to write all this after an oh-so-bumpy week with 4 outta 6 of my friends. Friends whom I would say- "My World". They portrayed one or the other above mentioned points. With someone criticizing everything about me, backstabbing me or being ignorant when I needed a I-speak-you-don't-question session. Though this is nothing new for me but when all this actually happened at once, I felt tremors. Tremors which made me realize my indiviuality. Which lightened up the long lost and forgotten fact that we gotta face this world ALONE. May be I'm too at fault or so but for now, even after trying hard, my noughts and crosses aren't finding the way to settle in.

P.S. : Don't attach yourself to someone so much that when they take a backseat in your life, you feel helpless! Stay happy! Stay Blessed! :)


  1. ahaan!!...gud1 d truth is-d richest person is d one who is not dependent on ne1 4 ne damn thing...our OWN SELF is the thing 2 b loved d most!!!:)

  2. When at first, I read this post, I thought you might be right. But now, after having a somewhat similar experience myself, I'm in full support of this thought of yours. Still, I ain't sure if I'd agree with you a few days later, on this. So, actually, this is a kind of thing which according to me, can't be put in black and white otherwise.
    But at present, I'm on your side. :)

  3. @Gimz: :)

    @Sudhanshu: Thank you so much for ur appreciation. :) As you said, all these things always remain in grey areas of life but at some point of time we do get to experience the black shade and the brighter one as well! Rather feeling lucky to have experienced handful of shades by now! :)

  4. i completely agree.At the end of the day...all dat matters is U because people and their perceptions change easily. We can experience this with our own selves!! At a point of time, someone or something may seem all important to us but after sme time..the 'importance' kinda fades away...and it may reemerge later at any time!!!
    So why blame others!!!! It is the way it is :) :) Gracefully accepting the fact will save a lot of headache :)


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